St. Patrick's Day 2000
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If you would like to save any of the following photos, just right click the photo and choose the "Save picture as..." option. Then you can print them and hang them up all over your house. Just remember that you can't get an official Mickey, Jack, Rowan, Colleen or Martin autograph unless you see The Travelers perform!
Another couple...and a fine-colored suit! |
More Okinawan fans of The Travelers. |
Even the regulars broke their every Thursday night routine to return on Friday for St. Patrick's Day. |
This fellow obviously has the Luck of the Irish. |
The pub was so packed that an entire block became the overflow area. |
The results of a great St. Patrick's Day... |
...but it's not a good party until the cops show up... |
...and the Japanese Police did just that, to round out a fine St. Patrick's Day celebration. Photos by "Brew" Brubaker |
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