The Irish Ambassador

In June, the Irish Ambassador to Japan was due to visit Okinawa, and was invited to The Morrigan's Irish Pub.  But on the designated day, did the ambassador show?  Was something lost in the translation?  Did Mickey and Jack put on a show even though The Travelers were already on sabbatical?  Take a look at the photos, and you be the judge...

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If you would like to save any of the following photos, just right click the photo and choose the "Save picture as..." option.  Then you can print them and hang them up all over your house.  Just remember that you can't get an official Mickey, Jack, Rowan, Colleen or Martin autograph unless you see The Travelers perform!

The place settings were all laid out, waiting for the arrival of the Irish Ambassador to Japan.

Jack and Mickey were there to tell jokes and sing for anybody present.

And even "Fibber" McGee showed up to enjoy the entertainment and await the arrival of the ambassador.

A few of the old loyal fans arrived to hear the original two musicians in The Travelers...

...and suddenly there appeared a solitary diner at the table, demanding chow...

...much to Jack's utter amazement...

...until the solitary diner raised his pint and asked for an Irish tune... which the duo responded, and Jack held on to a note so long Mickey's eyes crossed...

...while "Fibber" kept the solitary diner's wife busy...hmmm...but where was the ambassador?

Photos by "Brew" Brubaker


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