Thursday Sing-a-Long
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If you would like to save any of the following photos, just right click the photo and make your selection. Then you can print them and hang them up all over your house. Just remember that you can't get an official Mickey, Jack, Rowan, Colleen or Martin autograph unless you see The Travelers perform!
Everyone from Sea-Bees to nurses sing along to Mickey and The Travelers at The Morrigan's on Thursday nights. |
Those funny guys, Mickey and Jack, lead the crowds every week in rousing Irish drinking tunes. |
Another birthday in the least it's legal for her to drink now! And guess who got engaged the same night? |
Folks of all sizes and shapes hang out on Thursday nights. |
The view just before your forehead hits the table at the end of the night. |
Pausing between sips for a toast. Cheers! |
The Travelers play everything from drinking tunes and songs of rebellion to the upbeat jigs and reels. |
So what are all those young cute teachers doing at the pub on a school night? |
The brave (or tipsy) get up to sing on stage. Here, a trio from Ireland try their vocal talents on "Bog Down in the Valley." Photos by "Brew" Brubaker |
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